Thursday, November 5, 2015

October Part 2

     It has been an interesting month, an interesting time and an interesting existence. October started off as a disjointed vision, nothing was what it needed to be. My playing was off, my life was off and my drive was off. Or perhaps my playing was off, so everything else sucked.
      I found the groove again though, I don’t know how, but I found it. October was hard, but things slowly fell into place.
     I played my first show in about a year last month. It was a fun one. It has been far to long since I’ve been able to turn it up and do
it live. On the other side of that, it has been far to long since I’ve played live. There were many mistakes and grooves that need to be tighter.
     Having said all that though, it felt amazing to be back playing. For a set, for 10 songs, I was in my element. I messed up a lot, I shredded a lot, but most importantly I was super stoked to be there.

     On the recording front things are (always) improving as well. The goal for this, at least for me, is to have everything better than the last song we put down.  And it is going in that direction. We did a few songs today and they sounded really solid right away. That is, was and forever will be the goal.
   A setback we had earlier was the idea of expansion. For whatever reason my lack of computer knowledge usually contributes to these failures, but I think this setback was not entirely my fault. The idea we had was to expand our inputs, which would have been great. More cymbals could have been mic’d, it would have been a lot of fun to have those options. What I discovered was that when things stopped working, when software failed, going back to our standard 8 mic setup was a breath of fresh air. Getting a great sound from those 8 mics was/is perhaps more rewarding than getting a great sound from 12 mics ever could have been.

On to November…