Wednesday, November 29, 2017


I haven’t done one of these in a while.

I want to talk about accomplishment. 
Approximately 14 months ago, I had this idea, this vision if you will. I wanted a pedalboard for everything that wasn’t my main gig. Originally I just wanted a bunch of cool shit on it, but eventually narrowed that down to the best of the effects I use. “Best” is suggestive of course, I was looking for the effects that were best for my ear and for best for everything I like to play. 

Thus started a list, written on some receipt from somewhere, of potential pedals for this project. It took a lot of experimenting, and really figuring out what I needed/wanted on this board. There was supposed to be a looper or switcher for the multitude of sounds at my feet. But I really didn’t have the time, need or want for that kind of wiring. Bit Crushers, Delays, Loopers and other awesome stuff are on that receipt, but realism reigned. There are a few pedals remaining from this project that didn’t make it on the final iteration of the board. I’m sure I’ll find a use for them. My Wounded Paw Blender is a casualty of this failed design. It is such a cool piece, it really is, but it was too much for what I was after. It is kind of the pedal that helped me to realize I wanted to keep this board (relatively) simple. I still use it to test pedals and order, and it’s amazing for that. Maybe one day when things get a bit more effected I’ll add it back in. 
Stupid wiring phase over, the goal was quality. I know what I like. It took a bit of research to find the companies who were making what I liked. The dirt pedals that didn’t end up on the Truant Minds board usually made their way to this board. One that immediately comes to mind is the SS/BS Buzz. It’s such a savage fuzz, but it didn’t really work for what I was trying to do in TM. It’s perfect for this board though. It covers everything from vintage to modern, which is excellent for a board that is supposed to do everything. I have always had a fondness for light/uncolored drive, which I have abundantly covered on the TM board. I snagged a LunaReclipse for that role on the “everything else” board. I snagged a SS/BS Mini as well, which definitely can have a more vintage vibe if I need it. 

I took a lot from the TM board. That is my favorite board. Lets talk about proud for a minute, I am fucking proud of that. I like gnarly distortion, excellent fuzz, compression, color, and raw savagery. That is the TM board in no particular order. I took everything I learned from the TM board and applied it to the “everything else” board. The lessons I learned from that board (compression is cool, layout is key, tone is paramount) all played into the completion of this one. I purposefully designed this board to be the one that I could play everything on. Effect choices changed between the two, but the ideas remained similar. Excellent sounds, no compromises. 

I’m having a real “whats next?” moment here. My gut tells me the next step is to get my recording gear in order. Am I done with pedals? Hell no. But the immediacy of acquisition has ended. I have the sounds I need to do what I want, and most importantly; sound how I want. There are hours of research, trial and error, frustration, education, love, headaches and enjoyment in this thing. I cannot wait to use this thing to it’s full potential. 
There was an exorbitant amount of time spent on education and research when it came to this board. When it comes to snares, cymbals and mics I have friends that I can consult. This was a solo effort. This was truly listening to every flanger, chorus, fuzz, comp, octave, and filter in my price range and finding the ones that worked best of me. 

This is the final iteration. This is my board*.

*The only thing I might change is the SS/BS Mini. I have the LunaReclipse, which essentially serves the same purpose. I may have to swap the Mini for a Fuzzrocious Cat Tail at some point, because the Cat Tail is the best bass dirt ever. But until then, the board is actually done. 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

NPD: Fuzzrocious Blast Furnace

To further connect this to music, I'll let you know what I'm listening to while I write this. To further connect this to beer, I'll let you know what I'm drinking while I write this. Unfortunately it is neither beer nor good this time*. Jeff Buckley Live at Sin-e’ is permeating my speakers while I write this. Sublime music at it's core. This album is a guitar, a voice and something to say. Check it out if you haven't. 

So I'm here to talk about a fuzz (shocker). It's not a clone of anything though, it's not a reimagined classic circuit, it's a original piece and it sings and snarls. This is about the Fuzzrocious Blast Furnace.

You can't name a pedal "Blast Furnace" unless it's going to be savage. This pedal is savage. I first heard about it during the lead up to winter NAMM I think, and definitely saw videos after the event. The kind of videos that make one go "I need this". It's a cool idea, fuzz+delay, that opens a ton of options. But beyond the exterior, and at the heart of this pedal, is the original fuzz. This is not a clone, it's tweakable and it sings. 

There are undeniable titans of the fuzz realm, the classics, the unbeatable, the "sound". There are undeniable interpretations of those titans available for purchase, and most of these interpretations are exquisite. I applaud (and proudly use) pedals based off lauded designs. Most have modern improvements that make them perfect for achieving the tones I'm after without having to worry about powering, durability and how they will work in a band setting. 

But there is something to be said about making your own fuzz, and that's what Fuzzrocious did. 

This pedal is gated, anything gated can be touchy (pun intended). For myself, there was always a fine line; When does a pedal become a glitchy fuzz v.s a usable gated fuzz? I have gated fuzzes and they sound great, but lean more towards glitchy. Gltichy has its place, I love me some gltichy. But in a full band setting sometimes gltichy just doesn't translate well for my needs.

And that's where the Blast Furnace comes in. It cuts (I can't stress this part enough), and in a band setting it just works. That's usually my biggest worry with fuzzes, how they'll compete live. Luckily I didn't have much worrying to do. The tone control gives you everything you could want. I spent a few days playing with mine stock, figured out the sound I wanted and opened it up to find the tone. It literally took me 5 mins of experimenting with the internal trim pots and I found it. I run it with the toggle down, and it sounds huge.

Still, I was a little hesitant bringing it to band practice. I knew that if this didn't work tonally I'd have to bring a screwdriver out to find the ideal setting. For once I thought ahead, and dialed in that tone control with a band setting in mind. I leaned more on the treble than I normally would have, but not by much and it worked. The tone stays pretty consistent with volume changes and low end is retained. Huge shoutout to the band for putting up with me messing with the delay side of this thing way too much my first practice with it. 

Oh yeah, this thing has a delay. For the music I play I don't use it much, but experimenting with the delay side is a rewarding endeavor. Solid, no frills and musical this is a delay that functions. For my uses, which are just being obnoxious and making loud noises, it's the best thing ever! In my quest for making noise the delay side provides me with a multitude of possibilities. 

My final thoughts: This thing rules. Props to Fuzzrocious for making a killer, original, fuzz. It's pretty well documented that I like all of Fuzzrocious's offerings. If there is a tone I'm after, chance's are they have a pedal that does it. All that aside, I can't find a fault with this thing. I didn't think I'd like the controls only being accessible from the inside, but I do. The "set it and forget it" nature of this pedal is part of what makes it fun. I turn it on and it sounds good, no messing around, just having fun with a fuzz. 

This is actually rare, but I want another one. I have a band board and another board for home use, I want a Blast Furnace for both. I try not duplicate pedals, different options are cool from a musical standpoint, they can lead to variety in expression and output. Having said that, the Blast Furnace just works so well I wouldn't complain if I had another one.

*I'm drinking Victory Dirt Wolf while I edit this. It is both beer and good.  

Sunday, July 2, 2017

NPD: It Came From Canada


There are a few pedals I want to try.. actually that's a lie, there are a lot of pedals I want to try. The list is pretty staggering, but lately a Ring Mod is something I've been searching for. 

So what even is a Ring Mod? I'm still kind of not sure. Tony Iommi had one, so that makes it legit I guess. What I'm finding is it makes cool sounds, in a way that no other pedal I have does. It's a unique tone, I think that's why it so quickly rose to the top of my next pedal list. I have delays, fuzzes, phasers, filters, octaves and a ton more. However, I didn't have the sound that is a Ring Mod. 

I'd gone down this path before, but never pulled the trigger. Initially the Ring Modulators on my list were the Moog MF-102 and.. I think that might have been it actually. That's not to say that pedal isn't in my future, but right now I find myself in a place where I'm limited (mainly by choice). Dimensions, power options and the avoidance of unnecessary distractions are defining this board. The Montreal Assembly Puhzing is super simple to dial in, not big at all and sounds great!

So, in trying to avoid the "unnecessary" I now have a Ring Mod. A pedal, which as a bass player, might be the definition of unnecessary. Could I have gone with other pedals like a bit crusher for my weird tones? Absolutely. But shit, this Ring Mod is fun! 

I'm all about getting synthy tones from my instrument right now. The Puhzing is just one piece of the puzzle in creating a functional board that can get weird. 

I feel like it's unfair to dive into this pedal until I get a expression pedal to use with it. I think that will open up the Puhzing even more, but for now it's been fun. I have it towards the end of my chain. With the wet around unity and the dry off and it sounds pretty cool. Adding the dry back in allows for a nice presence in conjunction with the effected tone. I need to play with it more to figure out its place with other effects, and that expression pedal should change things.. I'm stoked. 

It is solidly built as well, not ton of weight to it and everything is sturdy. Montreal Assembly gear has been getting great reviews recently, I look forward to what they put out next!

So the verdict on the Montreal Assembly Puhzing: It is cool and it is weird. Nice footprint, simple controls, rad tone. Good times.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Things That Are (Potentially) Older Than Me Episode #3: Boss PS-2

When I was 11 I got a PS2 for Christmas, the Sony kind. I was really stoked, Santa gave me the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King game that year too. Rad gift, I got to run around saving Middle Earth, good times. 

A few years later I quite literally stumbled upon another kind of PS-2. This particular one comes from Japan and has a blue label. I can’t accurately date it as the serial number is faded, but the blue label would put it in the late 80s/early 90s. While I don’t have the exact year of its creation this pedal is most likely older than me, production was stopped in 1994. 

But who cares how old it is? This thing is cool. 

I like simplicity and this thing is simple. It has a Level control, Feedback, Pitch Shift/Delay parameter control (labeled as “Fine/Manual) and Mode. No going through the non-existent manual that came with this used piece, what each mode does is clearly listed on the face. I love that. 

Having the ability to blend the signal isn't always critical for me, but in some effects it needs to exist. This has and ultimately needs that blend, leading to some interesting tones and better control of the effect. It tracks really well. It does the glitchy thing, and I love me some glitchy, but it can tighten up nicely. It won’t stack up to some modern options (duh) in terms of pure tracking/tone and that is to be expected. However it is definitely a contender and certainly doesn't suck. 

Modern and improved circuits offer much tighter and truer reproduction of sound, I think thats why I like the PS-2. Its different, it has a character that is sometimes hard to find in current gear. Not that anything out there sucks when it comes to pitch shifting, we are living in a golden age for this stuff. But sometimes I’m looking for that little slice of weird, those subtle musical imperfections and pedals like this deliver. 

By the way, this thing has a delay, 2 pedals in 1, I dig it.