To further connect this to music, I'll let you know what I'm listening to while I write this. To further connect this to beer, I'll let you know what I'm drinking while I write this. Unfortunately it is neither beer nor good this time*. Jeff Buckley Live at Sin-e’ is permeating my speakers while I write this. Sublime music at it's core. This album is a guitar, a voice and something to say. Check it out if you haven't.
So I'm here to talk about a fuzz (shocker). It's not a clone of anything though, it's not a reimagined classic circuit, it's a original piece and it sings and snarls. This is about the Fuzzrocious Blast Furnace.
You can't name a pedal "Blast Furnace" unless it's going to be savage. This pedal is savage. I first heard about it during the lead up to winter NAMM I think, and definitely saw videos after the event. The kind of videos that make one go "I need this". It's a cool idea, fuzz+delay, that opens a ton of options. But beyond the exterior, and at the heart of this pedal, is the original fuzz. This is not a clone, it's tweakable and it sings.
There are undeniable titans of the fuzz realm, the classics, the unbeatable, the "sound". There are undeniable interpretations of those titans available for purchase, and most of these interpretations are exquisite. I applaud (and proudly use) pedals based off lauded designs. Most have modern improvements that make them perfect for achieving the tones I'm after without having to worry about powering, durability and how they will work in a band setting.
But there is something to be said about making your own fuzz, and that's what Fuzzrocious did.
This pedal is gated, anything gated can be touchy (pun intended). For myself, there was always a fine line; When does a pedal become a glitchy fuzz v.s a usable gated fuzz? I have gated fuzzes and they sound great, but lean more towards glitchy. Gltichy has its place, I love me some gltichy. But in a full band setting sometimes gltichy just doesn't translate well for my needs.
And that's where the Blast Furnace comes in. It cuts (I can't stress this part enough), and in a band setting it just works. That's usually my biggest worry with fuzzes, how they'll compete live. Luckily I didn't have much worrying to do. The tone control gives you everything you could want. I spent a few days playing with mine stock, figured out the sound I wanted and opened it up to find the tone. It literally took me 5 mins of experimenting with the internal trim pots and I found it. I run it with the toggle down, and it sounds huge.
Still, I was a little hesitant bringing it to band practice. I knew that if this didn't work tonally I'd have to bring a screwdriver out to find the ideal setting. For once I thought ahead, and dialed in that tone control with a band setting in mind. I leaned more on the treble than I normally would have, but not by much and it worked. The tone stays pretty consistent with volume changes and low end is retained. Huge shoutout to the band for putting up with me messing with the delay side of this thing way too much my first practice with it.
Oh yeah, this thing has a delay. For the music I play I don't use it much, but experimenting with the delay side is a rewarding endeavor. Solid, no frills and musical this is a delay that functions. For my uses, which are just being obnoxious and making loud noises, it's the best thing ever! In my quest for making noise the delay side provides me with a multitude of possibilities.
My final thoughts: This thing rules. Props to Fuzzrocious for making a killer, original, fuzz. It's pretty well documented that I like all of Fuzzrocious's offerings. If there is a tone I'm after, chance's are they have a pedal that does it. All that aside, I can't find a fault with this thing. I didn't think I'd like the controls only being accessible from the inside, but I do. The "set it and forget it" nature of this pedal is part of what makes it fun. I turn it on and it sounds good, no messing around, just having fun with a fuzz.
This is actually rare, but I want another one. I have a band board and another board for home use, I want a Blast Furnace for both. I try not duplicate pedals, different options are cool from a musical standpoint, they can lead to variety in expression and output. Having said that, the Blast Furnace just works so well I wouldn't complain if I had another one.
*I'm drinking Victory Dirt Wolf while I edit this. It is both beer and good.
*I'm drinking Victory Dirt Wolf while I edit this. It is both beer and good.